Monday, April 20, 2009

Another "first."

Roughly 5 minutes ago, I experienced the beginnings of one of my first unprovoked "hot flashes" of pregnancy. It sounds like they usually come on in the second trimester, but I'm working through one right now. I've had a few hot flashes earlier, but most were during exercise or activity. Fun!

I also contacted our insurance and verified that they do cover the first trimester screening, so I called my clinic and began the process of setting one up. I'm already nervous. Typical. I'm sure everything is fine though. It'll get set up anytime between tomorrow and May 5th (hopefully on a Friday so the hubs can come and see smudge again).

Other than that, the Mr. just called to inform me he just purchased Guitar Hero: Metallica, so I know what we'll be doing tonight. (That and taking a belly pic!)

1 comment:

  1. have fun with your new game- you will have to update on how it is.
