I tried adding the words "Put me out of my misery." to my
tweet this morning, but I ran out of room.
But honestly, I feel that way. I REALLY felt like that while I was laying in bed last night, and only slightly feel that way today.
I am SO OVER being sick. If you're not a twitter follower of me, you may not have known that Monday afternoon, my cold (which was a month in already) decided to go ahead and START ALL OVER AGAIN...with the stuffy, snotty nose, coughing, sweats and everything else that is having a cold. I was thinking I was finally getting over it, even though the chest pain that started a little over a week ago hadn't subsided.
So, yesterday morning after my shower, I decided I officially was not going to work. I could barely move from the chest pain and was going through a kleenex every 3 minutes. Not to mention every earth shattering cough and sneeze was triggering the occasional braxton hicks.
Around 3pm when the hubs came home with the car, I took myself to Urgent Care. Got myself an x-ray (which I fully stressed myself with but feel better now) and exam - no pneumonia, no blood clot in the lung, possible bronchitis. I was given a Z-Pack and Tylenol w/Codine that I'm not so sure I want to take, even though it's safe.
Last night, I was fully doped up on antibiotics, Robitussin, and Sudafed. I felt better, but felt guilty about all I was putting this little bean through. I'm pretty sure all this kid knows are PB&Js, pickles, and the sound of momma's cough. And that makes me sad. When I finally went to bed, I felt so guilty and crappy and like a horrible fetus host that I almost started to cry. Luckily, I still had enough sense to realize that my Sudafed would be wearing off soon and any crying would only worsen the nasal issues I was having, so I convinced the waterworks to knock it off.
So here we are today. I'm at work, still feeling miserable (the Robitussin is on board so that's helping), but at least feeling the babe's kicks so I know it's not too crabby with me. Today, operation HEALTHY MOMMA begins. The hubs and I will kick it off with a grocery store trip this evening.