Showing posts with label Abby. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Abby. Show all posts

Monday, January 4, 2010

Hangovers and hepatitis shots.

Well, I survived NYE...barely. I drank as if I hadn't stopped drinking for 10 months. MISTAKE. Also...having champagne be a large portion of my bevvy consumption was a mistake. And maybe that shot of tequila was a mistake too.

despite the face I'm making it was quite delish.

the midnight mooch

...and then this happened.

I woke up on Friday morning with the WORST HEADACHE EVER and heard the hubs reaching for something in a pill bottle. I shoved my hand in his face while managing the words "GIVE ME SOME." I got Tylenol (what was left of the pregnancy stash) because we were out of Advil. Yet another sign of my lack of drinking. Christ, he could have given me his man vitamins and I would have been okay with it as long as I was taking SOMETHING.

I woke up a couple hours later headache free, but with the spins. We showered and headed to breakfast with friends where I nearly vomited about three times. I ordered toast and a fruit cup, managed to finish nearly all of it and felt a little better.  We then went to pick up Abby from the Grandparents and headed home for some good couch napping. Ahhh...New Years.

Anyway, my baby girl has her two month appointment tomorrow, complete with her first round of post delivery room vaccinations. ::insert scurred momma here:: I'm probably going to cry on the car ride home. That is, if they give her any shots at all. She's been a little booger-y and cough-y for the past 12 hours. I'm hoping it's just a fluke, but if she really IS sick, she might be skipping the shots this time around.

And today, I took this video. Pardon my squeaky voice. The hubs insists I should do voices in cartoons. I give a stern side-eye as a response to that comment.

Asking for a smile... from jenna bee on Vimeo.

Sunday, December 20, 2009

I can't clean like this.

One foot on the bouncy chair, making it go. This make cleaning virtually impossible. Unless you call blogging about not being able to clean "cleaning."

We're having a decent sized Christmas party on Friday night for our friends, and our house looks like the setting for the latest apocalypse movie. (2012? Yeah, our living room was the backdrop.) I can't hold Abby cause that's pissing her off. The moby isn't an option. Apparently, sleep is SO 2 days ago.

But how can I get upset with a face like this?

Monday, December 7, 2009

Apparently I'm a great looking bed.

Abby has not let me put her down for more than 20 minutes today. Once she realizes she's not on mommy's chest anymore, the waterworks begin. I've created a monster.

Anyway, to catch up, here's the latest in baby land.

She has not slept as long as she did that Sunday night again. In fact, it's like she's waking up more. Boo-hiss. Also, we may have to transition her to her crib sooner rather than later since it's supposed to get so damned cold here this week, and her bassinet is pretty close to a cold wall and drafty window. So, we'll see.

I cleaned and organized Abby's room a few nights ago, and I'm so happy I finally got to it - her room has a floor, turns out. The shelves that need staining are in the hands of my father in law...and the room is FINALLY near completion.

I'm thinking about putting together a list of things I loved/worked well while I was pregnant and stuff I've used/liked and not used/disliked since I've had Abby. If this is something you'd be interested in - let me know!

And finally, in my first step in keeping Abby an only child (at least for the next few years), I'm having an IUD placed tomorrow. Mirena to be exact. I've got my darvocet at the ready, and my mother in law on hand to keep an eye on Abby while I possibly lie on the couch writhing in horrid, crampy pain. I'll deal though. The thought of not having to think about birth control for the next 3-5 years sounds freaking AWESOME. Especially if it tones my cramps down and well, WORKS.

So, there's a boring update for now. Friday we're headed back to my parents for our (early) Christmas. Yessss...

Wednesday, November 18, 2009

I'm choosing to blog over showering.

I'm sure I'll regret that decision this afternoon.

Anyway, Abby is sleeping soundly in her bassinet, and I'm back to being alone during the day. My bestie A was here for FIVE WHOPPING DAYS over the weekend and I miss her terribly already. She was so much help...and so much fun! (A - move here. DO IT.)

Other than having visitors, not much is going on. (Warning, poop talk fast approaching.) Abby's on a good schedule of pooping every other night, so that's good, I suppose. She's eating a lot and getting a little chubby in the cheek area. I also noticed she's getting some awesome eyelashes, so I think we can add another tick in the "mommy trait" column.

Speaking of mommy...I'm exhausted. I get through the days okay, but it's getting more and more difficult to be a smiley mommy. I'm not so much depressed, just totally wiped out. The hubs has promised me a couple nights of real sleep this weekend, and I cannot effing wait. I think it'll make a huge difference. I don't know if our weeknight routine is working. Maybe this is just what people do in the first few months...daddy sleeps more since he's working and momma just turns into a zombie that forgets to brush her teeth and lives on Slim Fast shakes because they're easy. What do/did you do during the first few months to survive?

Luckily, the hubs and I scored on the H1N1 flu mist last week (thanks, Chris!) so, at least I don't have to worry about getting that. I have a feeling I'll be getting a cold or something soon with the little amount of sleep under my belt. Fingers crossed I don't.

And finally, a week from today, Abby will be taking her first trip back home with us. Five hours in a car with a 4 week old baby. Am I insane? Oh well. I can't WAIT to go home. It's been a long time.  And TURKEY!

Wednesday, November 11, 2009

Two weeks.

It's been two weeks since we had Abby - it seems both like yesterday and like we've always had her. Things for the most part are going well. I have a call in to the doctor about her newest development - screaming unconsolable crying that lasts for about 60-90 minutes, complete with stiffening, arching body and coughing, and crying to the point of breathlessness. I'm suspecting a slight case of reflux. Or colic. Or "I hate you Mommy" syndrome. At any rate, I spoke to a nurse, and I'm just waiting to see what they have to say.

She's getting stronger by the day - holding her head up on her own a few times a day (viewed during burps), hanging onto her pacifier (and also ripping it out of her mouth) and I've learned that she smiles (sometimes) when both her cheeks are tickled. She is the light of my life, even if she did make me cry last night because I couldn't calm her crying.

Side note: the hubs was baffled that my overly emotional self was still around ("You're crying because she's crying?") and wondered how much longer I would be in this state. I assured him that this was still normal and I was probably going to cry again at some point. I'm sure his concern is more towards PPD than the fact that I'm a blubbery mess without even trying. I'm definitely not depressed. Just tired. REALLY tired. And hate seeing my baby seem to be in pain.

And also - in case anyone wanted to see...and well, frankly...I'm so effing stoked at wearing my "normal" jeans - I've included a belly shot of where I'm at today.


Oh, and here's a picture of Abby. Because how could I not?

Monday, November 9, 2009

So far, so good.

Today was the hubs first day back at work. Last night seemed to go okay, I think he slept enough. I actually slept a little more as well - maybe like 3-4 hours total. And Abby, well, she slept too. Not through the night or anything, but we all did okay.

Today, I ventured out of the house BY MYSELF WITH ABBY. And it didn't blow up in my face. Granted, we were only gone for about an hour, but she barely stirred and pretty much slept the whole time. Remind me to write the following in her baby book:
Baby's first trip alone with Mommy: To UPS Customer Center in NE Minneapolis. Grandpa left his VERY IMPORTANT laptop at our house yesterday...and instead of hopping in the car for a 10 hour round trip delivery, we drove to UPS and had it packaged and delivered to him. Abby slept. Momma - although unshowered, with ratty hair and still practically in her pajamas - beamed. Momma was very proud.
We have some visitors today, and I might even attempt to give Abby a bath before they arrive.  Or, I'll do the old sponge bath...and at least change her out of her spit-up covered pajamas she's been in all morning. (I don't wanna hear it - this kid hates being changed - diaper or otherwise - more than anything on the planet. You'd swear I told her Santa wasn't real and that her clean diaper was full of poison oak.)

Speak of the devil - someone needs to be changed. Cue the waterworks.

Wednesday, November 4, 2009

Tuesday night FAIL and irrational fears of baby vomit.

Well, last night the hubs and I attempted to sleep in the same room as the baby...all three of us together instead of the 4 hours shifts staying up with her that we'd done the previous two nights. (Worked awesome, BTW (we got 5-6 hours of sleep at a stretch) but not really an option once he goes back to work on Monday.)

We went to bed around 2ish. Abby was due for a feeding at 4:30.

Wait...let me pause here to also add this tidbit. Abby's butt was backed up for a good 36 hours, until last night when she had an awesome poop on her own. (Yep - I called poop awesome. I'm done for.) We were just about to use the ol' lubed up thermometer on her booty when she did it all by herself. I thought - yay! The path had been cleared, now back to regularly scheduled pooping. Not so much. She hasn't pooped since then, and she's CLEARLY trying to finagle some out of her little body but it's not working.

Back to the story at hand. We went to bed, and Abby WAS asleep...and then started grunting and fidgeting and doing all sorts of sounds and aerobic tricks to work her poop out (or so I assume). Did I sleep? Maybe...if dozing for 3 minutes and waking up to look at her is called sleeping. Finally at 4am I changed her diaper and fed her her bottle, and headed back to bed. She was SOUND asleep...and started up with it all over again. By 5:30 or so, the hubs woke up and asked if I'd slept. I gave it an honest "I don't know" and he got up with her to change her diaper again and get her settled in the living room so I could sleep. I kept insisting that she's trying to poop, he thinks she's just making typical baby noise. So, he took her in the living room and I cried. (Of course, I had also just had a brief dream that I "tried again" with a new Abby who's intestines worked correctly but ended up having weird deformed hands instead. That probably didn't help in the crying department.)

Today is a new day.

Also...Abby spit up for the first time last night. And I'm not ashamed to say it freaked me the fuck out. (Pardon my french...sailor's mouth is too easy when you're sleep deprived.) We had just fed her a GIGANTIC feeding which I know is to blame...we let her sleep too long and she was starving so my brilliance decided, YES! Let's give her nearly a whole ounce more than she usually eats!

Anyway, maybe it was the trick in getting her to finally poop on her own, because she did shortly after downing that bottle, but then promptly spit up after I had just changed her entire outfit since she'd peed on herself.  It was no biggie to me, until she did it again, but MUCH more. And then I got scurred.

I know it's just baby barf, and I didn't mind it for the most part, but I just have this thing with barf. I cannot watch another human being vomit. It makes me get shaky and I get nervous and scared of having to watch it again. It probably stems back to when my cousins and I got dropped off at the movie theater when we were young, and one of my cousins ate like 3,495,751 sour patch kids or something and didn't feel good. In my young, trying to be an adult mind, I thought - HERE! Put your head on my totally rad leather jacket with fringe I was given as a first communion gift! And then....BARF. All up in that fringe. I'm pretty sure I cried for days about that one. I took it to the bathroom and tried to clean it up, it was dry cleaned, but never was the same again.

Anywho, I was scared to feed her again. But she's eaten 3 bottles since sans spit up so that's good, but has added the "gagging face" to her repertoire of sleep faces that immediately makes me hide under her burp cloth.

And all that was just Tuesday.